The Walk Bridge Replacement Program

The Norwalk River Railroad (Walk) Bridge was built in 1896 and has outlived its intended service life. It carries four railroad tracks and approximately 175 trains with 125,000 passengers daily.
The Walk Bridge has been subject to continued operational failures, is vulnerable to damage from harsh weather conditions, and requires replacement.
East Avenue Bridge and Roadway Improvements
Commuters and residents around the East Avenue Train Station can expect the over a century old railroad bridge to be replaced, along with a widened road and sidewalks underneath.
In addition to improvements to the East Norwalk Train Station, this project improves accessibility and long-term reliability with significant infrastructure upgrades.

East Avenue Advance Utilities Project

Commuters and residents in the vicinity of East Avenue in East Norwalk can expect significant infrastructure upgrades to underground utilities in the area.
The work is scheduled to commence Spring 2021
Fort Point Street Bridge Replacement
The New Haven Line passing through Norwalk relies on infrastructure from the 19th century. To modernize, this project replaces the Fort Point Street bridge and the neighboring walls supporting the track.

Osborne Avenue Bridge Replacement

The Osborne Avenue Railroad Bridge supports four tracks of the New Haven Line. The Program replaces the existing bridge and rehabilitates the supporting structure underneath, while maintaining the current vertical and horizontal clearances.