East Norwalk Neighborhood Transit Oriented Development Plan
The purpose of the plan is to develop a vision and path for the future of the East Norwalk Neighborhood based on its proximity to the commuter train station.
It is the intent of this plan to be incorporated into the Citywide Plan and serve as the overarching planning guide for the study area.
Appendix A: Market Analysis
This first deliverable consists of an analysis of existing demographic and economic conditions for Norwalk and East Norwalk, and the market conditions for a variety of uses in the study area.
This report includes an analysis of broad demographic and economic trends, a review of real estate development trends in Norwalk, and summaries of the market potential for residential, commercial, and light industrial uses in the study area.
Appendix B: Transportation Analysis
The following discussion of vehicular circulation focuses on the existing conditions of the primary roadways in East Norwalk as encompassed in the study area, as well as issues and concerns observed in the field or discussed in prior reports.
Appendix C: Community Engagement
This chapter of the report provides an overview of the methods used and results gathered from public workshops, online surveys, and stakeholder interviews.
Appendix D: Recommended Zoning
The purpose and intent of these zoning changes is to ensure that the unique character of this district is maintained and enhanced for future generations, consistent with the goals and recommendations outlined in the 2020 East Norwalk Village TOD Plan.
Appendix E: Design Guidelines
The general purpose of these guidelines is to recommend design principles, patterns and materials that will preserve and enhance the local historic character, based on the particular design features that distinguish the architecture of the existing historic buildings and the neighborhood landscape.