Recent Posts
ENNA Petition to pause the re-zoning of East Avenue and the EVTZ.
If you believe that over development and lack of attention to resident concerns will impact our quality of life please take a moment and sign our petition. We need to send a clear message that this is unacceptable!
East Avenue will close the weekend of November 19, 2021 underneath the railroad bridge for utility work.
Detours begin 8:00 PM on Friday, November 19 through 6:00 AM on Monday, November 22.
Share your opinion regarding the City’s proposed Zoning Text Amendment that would result in an East Ave Village Transit Zone (EVTZ).
League of Women Voters of Norwalk to host forums for Mayoral and Common Council Candidates
Elections present voters with important choices. Whether it is a local race that will affect your community or a national race that could change the direction of the country it is a time to consider the issues which you care about and decide which candidate you support.
Norwalk’s Final Report of The Industrial Zone Study Recommendations released for review
Norwalk is embarking on a study to review the city’s industrial zones, their current uses, and the city’s future needs.