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Our Positions

The East Norwalk Neighborhood Association takes our role in safeguarding the best interests of nearly 8,000 residents very seriously and we work hard to represent your views and desires especially regarding quality of life, neighborhood character and the preservation of natural and historic resources. We use many methods to solicit resident input, including our monthly meetings, periodic surveys, and community forums.
However, not unlike many civic and non-profit associations, the task of determining specific positions on important topics that impact the entire community falls directly to our Board of Directors and our advisors.
In determining a position, we take into account the nearly 20 years of experience that our Board and prior Boards have had in working with residents in the community, and also our own experience of being East Norwalk residents some natives and others newly arrived. Although we’re striving to ensure our Board becomes more diverse, we do feel we’ve had good representation of the demographics here. Over the years our Board has consisted of young parents, retirees, veterans,  entrepreneurs,  and professionals in the fields of nursing, landscape and structural architecture, manufacturing, hospitality, marketing, construction, horticulture, and more. Our Board members have also served on other local non-profits and most are involved in community volunteerism. 
Many of our positions relate directly to local government. That’s because so much of what impacts the quality of life and development in East Norwalk, either positively or negatively, is directly related to the work of our City government and elected officials – our interactions with City Hall are usually related to 5 to 7 different components of government services and regulations. 
The following topics are those we’ve determined over the past 20 years that impact us most as a community, and thus we can take a general and sometimes even a more specific position on in order to provide the community with a blueprint with how we intend to proceed. Association positions are also used to provide our elected and appointed officials and city staff with guidance as they make their important decisions regarding funding, land use regulations, and ordinances that impact East Norwalk.
The topics below are general items that we feel are important, but we will continue to modify and add to this list in the future. In addition, when appropriate, we will publish positions on specific topics, such as a community plan; land use & zoning applications; city budgets, fees & taxes; public amenities; ordinances; and environmental & social issues.
If you’re an East Norwalk resident and would consider volunteering to develop position statements on upcoming topics please reach out to us. And especially reach out and let us know if you agree or disagree with our positions (and why) or if you have questions. You can do so by emailing us at [email protected]
Neighborhood Character
Land Use & Zoning
Parks, Recreation, Arts & Culture
Open Space
Historic Assets & Preservation
Social Justice, Diversity and Economic Opportunity
Health, Safety and Public Welfare
Ordinance, Regulations, and Enforcement
Government Public Outreach and Engagement