Industrial Zones Study

Industrial Zones Study Recommendations – Final Report

This study considers Norwalk’s industrial uses and its zoning for industrial and commercial uses as key resources for economic development and job growth. The study builds off the Citywide Plan’s goals and will inform future updates to the Building Zone Regulations. Document presented to the Zoning Commission in September 2021.

Industrial Zones Study Draft Recommendations

Draft recommendations for The Norwalk Industrial Zones Study as presented to the Zoning Commission on March 3, 2021.

Industrial Zones Steering Committee Presentation

The Norwalk Industrial Zones Study presented at the September 2nd 2020 Steering Committee Meeting

Industrial Zones Recommendations

These regulations were written at a time when the City was trying to attract manufacturing uses, and in the case of the restricted industrial zones, to concentrate those uses in specific areas so that they would not be scattered around the City.