Reassessing Industrial Zones In Norwalk

Norwalk is embarking on a study to review the city’s industrial zones, their current uses, and the city’s future needs. By revisiting its industrial zoning, Norwalk hopes to use its remaining industrial parcels as key resources for creating job growth, and to further diversify its economy.
According to Norwalk’s Zoning Regulations, the “primary purpose of industrial zones is to provide areas which permit manufacturing and related uses”. They can also include warehouses, package distribution facilities and places that sell or store building materials. Heavy industrial uses are allowed by special permit.

Industrial zones also need to be located in areas that are accessible to transportation links, allowing employees to come and go and goods to be shipped.
Norwalk’s study of its industrial zones will help it to make decisions about the city when planning for development. A goal of the study is to determine what Norwalk can do to foster industrial growth, including craft industries, and ensure that thriving businesses expand and/or remain in Norwalk.
The City’s appointed Planning and Zoning Commissioners feel that the only way to achieve this goal is by adding height and density as reflected in the document.

We would appreciate if you review the document and share with your respective communities. Please provide any feedback you have over the next few weeks. Comments can be sent to [email protected]