• Provide information, guidance and administrative support to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Commission, Planning Commission and Harbor Management Commission.
• Assist the land use Commissions in establishing the long-term vision for the city by implementing the goals outlined in the Plan of Conservation and Development.
• Conduct planning studies related to traffic, parking, housing, urban design, mobility, resiliency, economic development, etc. as directed by the Commissions and/or the legislative body.
• Provide objective information to residents and applicants on matters regarding land use.
• Planning and coordinating the physical, social, and economic development of the city in accordance with the city charter, city code, and state statutes
The Planning Commission, Zoning Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding virtual meetings via Zoom until further notice. Their upcoming meetings will follow the 2024 meeting schedule. To learn more about the Virtual Commission/Board Meetings, go here. Agendas for all meetings can be found here, and specific information regarding connecting to an upcoming meeting is found on the Meeting Notices page.