Norwalk Planning & Zoning Department

• Guide growth and development in the city.

• Provide information, guidance and administrative support to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Commission, Planning Commission and Harbor Management Commission.

• Assist the land use Commissions in establishing the long-term vision for the city by implementing the goals outlined in the Plan of Conservation and Development.

• Conduct planning studies related to traffic, parking, housing, urban design, mobility, resiliency, economic development, etc. as directed by the Commissions and/or the legislative body.

• Provide objective information to residents and applicants on matters regarding land use.

Planning & Zoning Commission

Responsible for:

• Adopting and amending subdivision regulations

• Planning and coordinating the physical, social, and economic development of the city in accordance with the city charter, city code, and state statutes

• Preparing, adopting, and implementing a Plan of Conservation and Development

• Reviewing and acting upon referrals from federal, state, and regional agencies

• Reviewing and recommending municipal improvements per Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes

• Reviewing and recommending the city’s capital projects program

• Acting upon applications for motor vehicle licenses

• Preparing, adopting, and amending the Building Zone Regulations and the Building Zone Map so as to control and direct the use and development of property

• Regulating the use of land within the city

• Reviewing special permits, site plans, and coastal site plan applications

Click here for list of Zoning Commissioners

Commission Meetings:

The Planning Commission, Zoning Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding virtual meetings via Zoom until further notice. Their upcoming meetings will follow the 2024 meeting schedule. To learn more about the Virtual Commission/Board Meetings, go here. Agendas for all meetings can be found here, and specific information regarding connecting to an upcoming meeting is found on the Meeting Notices page.

Director of Planning and Zoning: Steven Kleppin

125 East Ave.
Room 129
Norwalk, CT 06856
Phone: (203) 854-7780

To keep up to date with the City of Norwalk’s planning initiatives please visit the Norwalk Tomorrow website.