Get Involved

The East Norwalk Neighborhood Association represents the over 3,800 households within the 06855 zip code. It’s not necessary for a household to register for membership, and no dues are required, although we always appreciate your monthly or annual contributions which help cover operating costs & provide funding for our community events including informative public forums, interactive workshops, our annual shredding day event, neighborhood cleanups and more. 

You can be actively involved by:

  • Attending regular ENNA meetings – the 3rd Monday of each month 7pm.
  • Visiting our website, social media sites and watching your email for important information.
  • Attending, and if you wish, speaking at City committee meetings and public hearings.
  • Sharing East Norwalk news and events with your neighbors and on our social media outlets.
  • Serving as a Street Representative for your street.
  • Volunteering to serve on the ENNA Board.
  • Donating to cover our costs – we are a 501c3 organization!

For more information on any or all of these opportunities, please email us at